Well today went much  better than yesterday. I blame God. I spent more time in prayer today than yesterday so naturally, it was a better day. So I do blame God. Its all God's fault my day was better. Anyways, work went by rather quickly today, which is a pleasant change from last week. Then I got to go home and relax for a while before heading out to the Shed for my first board meeting for the year. I am excited about the direction this group is heading for the year. They seem like great kids on the board.

I still miss Whitney a lot but today was a little easier. Prolly cuz of the prayer thing I mentioned earlier. I plan to marry that fine woman of God some day. She has been an absolute blessing in my life and I love her to death. I know God has a purpose for her at UE and I definitely dont wanna get in the way of that. So I shall wait for my beautiful Whit to return
Well I officially feel like a bum. Everyone else is off to college and here I sit, working at a  minimum wage job and just sitting around doing nothing with my life. The Methodist church wants me to do 7 years of college... I think not. At this point, I want to see what other options I have. I do not want to be in college until I'm 28. Thats not appealing to me at all. Not even close. I wish I had homework though. I wanna learn about the Bible. I could care less about science, math, blah blah. As it pertains to the Bible? Yes. Any other time...no. Sigh....I just feel like I'm wasting time by not doing something right now. I'm a worker. I like hands-on, go-do-it kinda stuff. I cant take all this sitting around. At this point, I'd rather go back to Masters. At least there I'd be DOING something.

I miss Whitney alot. I feel lonely every day. Its just not the same without her. It's like my vigor and motivation left with her. I need to pour myself into something to take my mind off of it. Which is why I need homework; to take my mind off the Whitney-sized void. Sigh...well, good night all. Hope yours is better than mine