Well yesterday was Friday. You'd think by now I would be used to the fact that I won't  get to talk to Whitney on Friday nights, but I'm lame so I'm not. It still sucks just as much as ever. I'm probably just being a big lonely baby, but I cant help it. So...last night. I came home and played CoD. But it was kinda boring so then we made dinner. Then I literally did nothing at all but lay around until 10 when I decided to just go to bed cuz there was no point in staying up really.

Today I have to do laundry. I wish we had a washer and dryer in my apartment. That way I could do other stuff as my clothes are going instead of just sitting around waiting for them to finish.

Dinner with the soon-to-be inlaws tonight. Could be fun.

I miss Whitney.



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Well Mr Blog, I dont think anyone reads you anymore. But its ok, I'll be your true friend. Through to the end and all that jazz. :o guess what sir!? Today was like the best day since Whitney left. Know why?....I got to see her face! She was right there! On my computer screen! :) It was the best thing ever, for real. Made my heart happy probably for the next week :) I dont really know what else to say cuz thats all I can think about. So...good night!
Well today was a pretty productive day. First, I got off work a whole half hour earlier than usual. Mainly cuz we had nothing to do. When I got home, I got a bunch of emailing done as well as getting some sermon stuff around. Pastor Wes wants me to go to this preaching class on Sunday afternoons in February. I wasn't really excited about it but he absolutely insisted. He even offered to pay my gas money there. So I'm going. Apparently the teacher is this awesome preacher guy that I would "benefit from spending time with". We'll see I guess.
On another note, I'm eating dinner at Whitney's house on Saturday. Except Whitney isnt there. So it could be weird. But I think it should be ok. We'll see how things go I suppose. I dont mind it at all when she is there. Then again, I wouldnt mind ANY place if Whitney were with me. Well, I'm gunna go work on that puzzle over there. It's staring me down.
Well, today started out as just another day of cleaning at the mill. Second day in a row. Kinda sucks but whatever, it pays the bills. Then I came home and had some dinner and took back the movies we rented. They were pretty good I'd say. So then I played a little COD with the rooommate until Whitney got off work. She had hung out with her friends for 5 nights in a row so I was SO happy to finally be calling her before bed again. I cant explain why, but I sleep so much better on nights I  get to hear her voice. Its cheesy, I know, but its true beyond belief. Anyways, we got to talk for just over an hour before she needed to go to bed. I cant tell you how much that hour meant to me. They say one positive can outweigh all the negatives....I think I agree. I had been feeling pretty neglected as of late, but she made the time for me and it helped to heal me some. PRetty good night over all
Well my dear blog has once again been neglected for a long time! Now that I have internet, I feel like should start up again..ok thats a lie. Whitney told me I should keep a journal and so I figure this works for that. And it will give me something to do when I get jealous that she gets to go have fun with friends and I dont. Oh well. Such is life. Anyways, its about time I started writing again. Keeps the brain fresh! Perhaps it is time I write some poetry again. Who knows. I'm sure I'll find something to do with this site. Time to revamp it!

On a different note, I wish I had more pictures of Whitney and I. We need to have pics done more often to keep up-to-date. I miss her a lot ya know. Its tough to explain how I feel to her cuz she has never had to live on her own in a place without many people before. She lives in an envirnment where friendships are literally next dorm down. It isnt like that when ur not in college. But it doesnt matter. Cuz I have to suck it up cuz I want her to be happy and thats what it will take. I would willingly give myself for her. She is an amazing woman and I love her.



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It has been a very long time since I last posted here so I doubt anyone still even looks here but that is quite alright, you may read whatever you please! IF you do still read  this blog occasionally, please comment so I can know whether to post or not. Anyways, on to the content of this post...

The past couple of days I have been attending the AND Conference at GCC, the closest mega-church we have in these parts. This whole conference was about combining attractional church with missional church. For the average church person, these words mean nothing, its  just terminology. Basically, it means they were discussing whether to focus on attracting people into the church or if the church should be going out of its 4  walls to bring people to Christ. This whole conference seemed sort of...weird to me. Dont get me wrong, I very much enjoyed the teachings and I definitely learned a lot from it. However, I have always firmly believed a church should be both. The fact that I sat in a room full of pastors who all ran churches focused just on one or the other blew my mind. In the end, I came home packed with knowledge and statistics and a new way of see
Well today went much  better than yesterday. I blame God. I spent more time in prayer today than yesterday so naturally, it was a better day. So I do blame God. Its all God's fault my day was better. Anyways, work went by rather quickly today, which is a pleasant change from last week. Then I got to go home and relax for a while before heading out to the Shed for my first board meeting for the year. I am excited about the direction this group is heading for the year. They seem like great kids on the board.

I still miss Whitney a lot but today was a little easier. Prolly cuz of the prayer thing I mentioned earlier. I plan to marry that fine woman of God some day. She has been an absolute blessing in my life and I love her to death. I know God has a purpose for her at UE and I definitely dont wanna get in the way of that. So I shall wait for my beautiful Whit to return
Well I officially feel like a bum. Everyone else is off to college and here I sit, working at a  minimum wage job and just sitting around doing nothing with my life. The Methodist church wants me to do 7 years of college... I think not. At this point, I want to see what other options I have. I do not want to be in college until I'm 28. Thats not appealing to me at all. Not even close. I wish I had homework though. I wanna learn about the Bible. I could care less about science, math, blah blah. As it pertains to the Bible? Yes. Any other time...no. Sigh....I just feel like I'm wasting time by not doing something right now. I'm a worker. I like hands-on, go-do-it kinda stuff. I cant take all this sitting around. At this point, I'd rather go back to Masters. At least there I'd be DOING something.

I miss Whitney alot. I feel lonely every day. Its just not the same without her. It's like my vigor and motivation left with her. I need to pour myself into something to take my mind off of it. Which is why I need homework; to take my mind off the Whitney-sized void. Sigh...well, good night all. Hope yours is better than mine
Today is day 5 without Whitney and they havent gotten any easier. I miss her like crazy all the time. I think about her all day. I just wish it could be easier for me. I have nothing to take my mind off of it and it stinks. I want my Whitney. But I have to be strong. I have to be strong for her. I want her to enjoy college and not have to worry about me. I love her with all my heart and I know she can do great in college. I just have to stay strong... for her.

          It has been ages since I posted on here! Now is the time to start once again I believe. Yesterday was alot off fun. I went to my brother's gradtuation and then hung out at Corey's open house for awhile. It was a lot of fun and I met ppl I hadn't talked to in a very long time. Revolution Youth is really gettin up and goin now. Our training is this week! Seems like yesterday that it was months and months away! Hopefully we can work everything out and be ready to go soon becuz we have a service next Friday night :)