Once again, I failed to post for a long time. I think I need to post on here more often so here goes.
Today I didnt have to work at the mill so I decided to get some stuff done. I got things in order with Liberty University Online. I'm hoping I can get financial check-in finished up by March 14th so I can get a 15% discount on tuition but I really doubt FAFSA will have gone through by then. But I can hope! IF not, I'll have to wait until May 15th to start classes. Summer semester, woo!
Then I was lazy all day. I read a lot in the Circle series today. I'm still in Red but I'm about done with it. Pretty much some of the greatest books I've ever read. Ranks with Harry Potter, they're THAT good. But Ted Dekker writes so many good books. I could probably drain my bank account buying all of them. I think he has to have close to 20 or so.
Whitney is coming home on Friday!!! I'm so excited! She isnt really, but she's been sick for like 2 weeks so I can excuse her for that. I just hope I can make her happier while she's here cuz I dont seem to do a good job while she's away. I'm trying though!
3/2/2011 01:42:54 am

:) home! i like that place


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