          I have read some more in The Final Quest and once again I didn't make it far until I found something that hit me hard. It was this quote:

          "Paul did walk with Me as close as any man ever has yet. Even so, he was also beset by fears and weaknesses that were not from Me. I could have delivered him from these, and he did request it several times, but I had a reason for not delivering him. Paul's great wisdom was to embrace his weaknesses, understanding that if I had delivered him from them I would not have been able to trust him with the level of revelation and power that I did...He knew that when he was beset with weaknesses, or fears, that he was not seeing from My perspective, but from his own. This caused him to seek Me, and to depend on Me, even more."

          Many times in life I have wished that certain ailments would leave me. Many things have arisen that just..well, they sucked to be blunt. However, looking back, these things brought me to God on a level that I had never come before. Never. I know that God did not send these things to me, but only allowed them so that I would seek Him. I will no longer question why things happen, but merely accept them as needed. I will know that these things are meant to bring me to God. Thank you God.
3/24/2010 12:37:21 am

thats one of the big themes in The Shack. I think you'll like it.


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