It is time once again that I begin keeping up with my blog. I have plenty of time to do it, I'm just a complete slacker. Time to change that! So here are some fresh words of wisdom, brought to you straight from this weeks sermon.

Let's first take a look at the Scriptures. Let's look specifically at Matthew 6:25-34. Now, I like to generalize passages so that we can better understand them before we really dive into them. So the general idea here is that we shouldn't worry about anything. I'm sure most of you will agree that this is much easier said than done. But let's look at a couple key verses. First, verse 27. It says "Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?" What is the point in worrying? We worry because we arent sure of the future. The future scares most people because its unknown. Believe me, we can never know what God is up to in our lives. I can tell you from experience. This verse really says "what's the point?" On either side of this verse we have short passages telling us that God provides for the birds and the flowers. If He provides for things as insignificant as these, why would we ever think He won't provide for us? That brings me to another verse that I really want to stress here and that is verse 30. There are only a few words I want to emphasize: "O you of little faith". Those 5 words are HUGE for the meaning of this passage! The problem with worrying is not that its pointless; the problem is that worrying shows a lack of faith in God! In case you didnt know, our God is ALL-POWERFUL! The power of God will always outweigh the problems you are going through in life. I dont care if its divorce or death or poverty, GOD IS BIGGER! He brought  His people out of slavery and not even the Red Sea could stop Him. He brought them to the Promised Land and the desert couldn't stop Him. He brought salvation to all and even death itself could not contain Him. I tell you with confidence that God is bigger than any problem! So don't toil your time away worrying about tomorrow. Give all your worries to God. He is BIGGER!

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